What is the VA 10 Years Rules for Survivors? [Benefits for Disabled veterans]

Percentage to the disability of the veterans given by the veteran affairs department that governed by year rule. The rating range is 0 to 10% given to disabled veterans. On these rating disabilities, benefits and compensations are given to the veterans and their families.
The maximum disability percentage is 100% due to which no one can get more than 100 % disability percentage. To help disabled veterans, there is the 10-year rule, the 20-year rule for VA disability compensation, and more than that.
What is the VA 10 Years Rules for Survivors


On the basis of a disability rating, the veteran affairs department compensates the disabled veteran. On the basis of the 10-year rule compensation to disable veteran can’t be reduced even if the condition of the veterans improve.

Due to this rule, the veteran’s affairs department cannot reduce the compensation and benefits even if the veteran is older than 55 years.

It is a very helpful rule for those disabled veterans also who have a 100% disability rating can get 100 percent disabled veteran benefits because their benefits can’t be reduced until they improve their condition.

10-year rule consideration

The veteran affairs department misdiagnoses the veteran’s condition in some cases. Because of this, some disabled veterans get higher disability ratings but their condition is not worst.

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In such a condition, the veteran’s affairs department may review the condition of the veteran through a medical examination.

With the passage of time, medical conditions change for every person. In some cases, the person gets to improve and in some cases get worsened that totally depends on the diet and the patient’s environment.

With time if the condition of the veteran changes then the veteran affairs department may diagnose and check the disability in a different way and may use different diagnostic codes for rating.

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Difference between service-connected and pre-existing issues

Veterans get VA compensation from the Veterans affair department even if they had pre-existing conditions at the time of entry into the service. After examining the condition properly, a condition ration was given to them. On the condition of the veterans, VA keeps a check and takes measures if the condition of the veteran is aggravated.

At the time of joining the duty, if the veteran has a 10% disability rating but the department assigns him 20 % then the 10% is the aggravated rating. I this case, veterans will be compensated for a benefit at the rate of only 10% and not eligible for 20%.

VA department protects veterans who have a disability rating of more than 20 years. VA rating of such veterans will not reduce what they already receive. Even if the veteran’s condition improves, the rule prevails.

10-year rule for the survivor’s compensation

Survivors of disabled veteran get the disability dependency and compensation pay and benefits. It is only provided in the case that the disability rating is 100% and he lived for 10 years at least in such condition before his death. And his death is due to a service-connected disability. After the veteran’s death, the spouse can get benefits like education, financial support, and job preference benefits.

Is VA disability rating permanent or temporary?

Benefits offered by the veteran’s affairs department for the veterans are not permanent but for a certain time period only. But in few cases, the compensation and benefits for veterans are permanent that depend upon the disability condition of the veterans If the veteran has VA permanent and total disability.

The veteran’s affairs dept conducts the medical examination for making the permanent rating. To assign the permanent disability rating to a veteran, the following conditions required.

  • disabled veteran’s condition is not changing(static)
  • The condition that remains for 5 year time period or more is called stabilized condition.
  • The disability of the veteran is not improvable in any case in life and it must be the service-connected issue
  • The veteran’s age is 55 years, for the age limit, there are other conditions as well.
  • The veteran receives is a minimum disability rating prescribed by the veteran affair department

The lower rating that is assigned by the veteran affair department not affect the minimum combined disabled veteran’s rating.

When can VA reduce 10- year rating?

If the condition of the disabled veteran changes from time to time is sent to compensation and pension examination. The department of veteran affairs evaluates the disability and rate than with correct rating.


After the medical examination, if the condition is improved then the disability rating will be reduced from the present veteran’s rating. In the following cases, the rating will be reduced.

  • The department of the veteran affair  has reviewed the disabled veteran’s entire medical examination history
  • Through a thorough and detailed examination  the disability rating show for the purpose
  • The department of a veteran affair  finds the  improvement  in the health of veteran that is enough to carry out daily routine works including the employment

Before the final decision of reducing the rating, VA gives 60 days to veterans to submit the application as proof. VA gives 1 month to those veterans who want to request a hearing.

Under the 10 years RULE, VA will not reduce or end the veteran’s benefit. but in case of fraud VA might change the rating and compensation.

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Conclusive Note

Being a survivor facing life hardships is not an easy task. As for your service govt will not leave you alone in this situation. Moreover, different discount and facilities are also available there specifically assisting the Veterans. If you are a disabled Veterans then there are a lot of programs that are helping the veterans as well as their families. These programs are covering medical services, housing, education, recreational facilities and much more. You can be a part of any program if you are fulfilling the criteria. As you know that Veterans disability varies with the passage of time and ratio changes. So whenever you apply for any program there will be a verification process.

One of those programs is one we have discussed earlier in this post. Now if you are fulfilling the criteria then just simply forward an application to the veteran’s affairs department and wait for their response. There is a verification process and you have to wait for it. After completion of the process, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of the program. If you have any question just ask in the comment section below.

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