Difference Between Veterans Day VS Memorial Day

A lot of people are there who are not aware of the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Actually, both days are patriotic days, and we can celebrate them as national days. Here we are sharing some details with you. After reading the details you will be able to learn about the difference between them.

Veterans Day VS Memorial Day

Veterans Day VS Memorial Day

Veterans Day

Every year people across the United States celebrate Veterans Day on 11th November. This day is celebrated for the veterans of America. Those people sacrifice and work day and night for their homeland. It is a day for the remembrance of all military veterans who work for the peace of the American people.

It is completely different from remembrance day. It is a national day and a day of national holidays all across the country. All the schools and banks remain closed.

Different discounts and facilities are available for veterans and military members. People who are working in the armed services can enjoy different discounts with their families. Another important thing about veterans day is that if it is coming on Sunday then coming Monday is designated for Veterans Day.

Memorial Day

First, in 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday. Memorial Day ceremonies are held on May 30, every year across the United States. At the start, this day was known as decoration day. People visit the graves of their loved ones and decorate their graves and pay tribute to them.

After some time this day is named Memorial Day, which is celebrated in the memories of those young people who sacrifice their lives for their homeland.

Those who served for the peace of their country are the real heroes and people remember them on Memorial Day every year in the month of May.

Conclusive Note

Here we just explain a little bit about the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Hope you can understand well. For further details, you can check different posts available here. Stay tuned for more!

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