Veterans Legislation

For more than 100 years, DAV has been supporting better government veterans programs, benefits, medical care, and progress administrations for the people who served their families, and survivors. DAV's National Legislative Department takes the goals embraced by DAV individuals at our yearly National Conventions to Congress to advocate for working on government laws, guidelines, and arrangements of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other administrative organizations whose projects support the veteran populace.

Veterans Legislation

In the 116th Congress, some of DAV's key needs were instituted, including memorable ladies veterans enactment, emotional wellness and self-destruction anticipation, survivors' advantage changes, benefits for Blue Water Navy veterans, DAV veterans and the expansion of three infections, bladder disease, hypothyroidism, and Parkinsonism, as hypothetical to Agent Orange openness.

For the 117th Congress, DAV is effectively attempting to accomplish these Critical Policy Goals:

  • Advantages dependent on harmful openings
  • Securing veterans in the cases and requests measure
  • Improve survivor benefits
  • Building a Veterans Health Care framework for what's to come
  • Minority and underserved veterans access
  • Working on psychological well-being and suicide anticipation

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